Logic - Operators
What are Operators?
Operators are used to compare conditional statements. In Visual Basic .NET there are two types of operators:
- Comparison Operators
- Logical Operators
Comparison Operators
Comparison operators are used to compare one value against another. In Visual Basic .NET there are 6 comparison operators:
- Equals:=
- Does not Equal:<>
- Less Than:<
- Less Than or Equal To:<=
- Greater Than:>
- Greater Than or Equal To:>=
The following demonstrates how to use comparison operators:
Fiddle: Live Demo
Logical Operators
Logical operators are used to compare one statement against another. In Visual Basic .NET there are 2 comparison operators:
- And:AndAlso
- Or:OrElse
The following demonstrates how to use comparison operators:
Fiddle: Live Demo
Logical operators help reduce the amount of ElseIf statements. I would not worry about having too many logical operators; in my opinion it is better to have one long conditional statement if it has the logical operators are setup properly.